Richard Abrazi, Chief Operating Officer, Alliance Laboratories, Advocates for Healthy Lifestyle, Preventive Measures Heading into Winter COVID Surges

NEW YORK, Dec. 15, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — As we head into winter and COVID-19 transmission rates climb, it’s crucial you prioritize your health. This includes taking preventive measures to make sure to keep your body and immune system as strong as possible, according to Richard Abrazi, Chief Operating Officer of Alliance Laboratories.

This means focusing on healthy lifestyle habits like giving your body the nutrients it needs through a healthy diet, vitamins, and supplements. It also centers on embracing physical activity to stay as healthy as possible. This is in keeping with the CDC’s guidance.

In a recent Verywell Health article, Sarah Anzlovar, MS, RD, said dietary supplements like vitamins A, C, and D, along with zinc, iron, and selenium can be beneficial for boosting immune support for people with known nutrient deficiencies. 

Supplements could prove a boon to people who have poor nutrient absorption tied to illness, as well as those who are on very limiting diets or who skip entire food groups. Taking supplements might not prevent COVID-19 for these groups, but it could strengthen their immune response if they come down with a more serious case of the disease.

The World Health Organization (WHO) outlines just how necessary a well-rounded diet is in keeping healthy during the ongoing global pandemic.

The Military Health System and Defense Health Agency states that adopting healthy lifestyle habits like consistent physical activity are especially important not just for your immune system, but your mental and physical health. This could involve simple brisk walks around your neighborhood, and doing push-ups and squats from the comfort of your home. A good night’s sleep – an average of 7-to-9 hours – should also be front and center.

Keep in mind these lifestyle factors don’t guarantee you will never contract the virus. But they could make the difference between a serious or a mild case.

About Alliance Laboratories

Alliance Laboratories, is an independent, full-service clinical and anatomical pathology laboratory providing over 500 types of testing in the areas of blood and pathology testing. These are listed in their Directory of Services. It has delivered over 20 million test results to patients and physicians in California, Connecticut, Florida, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and Illinois.

Media contact:
Richard Abrazi
Alliance Labs  

SOURCE Alliance Laboratories