Proflexa Is Helping Millennials Manage Pain

The Elite Pain Management Topical Is Ideal for Active and Athletic Millennials Looking for Effective Natural Pain-Management Solutions

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla., Jan. 24, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Soreness is a normal part of strenuous physical activity. It can develop during a workout, a pickup soccer game, a formally organized sport, or even a long hike, walk, or jog. As Millennials begin to enter middle age, many of these 30 and 40-year-olds are finding that the same activities they participated in effortlessly a decade ago are leaving them sore, tender, and cramped.

Professor of Exercise Physiology at Iowa State University Rick Sharp explains that mild soreness is a normal outcome of any physical activity. Usually, this soreness appears between 24 and 48 hours after an activity (something commonly referred to as delayed onset muscle soreness or DOMS). Hopkins Medicine emphasizes that, while there are certainly signs of “bad pain” that should be avoided, there is always a healthy level “good pain” or “burn” that comes with correctly stressing a muscle past its current capabilities.

While good pain is an essential part of an effective workout, for many, it can be hard to manage in the days that follow an activity. When that’s the case, many Millennials seek out a healthy, safe form of pain relief. As common anti-inflammatory solutions like NSAIDs come under more scrutiny for their negative side effects, many middle-aged adults are looking for safe, natural solutions. The only issue? Often these fail to deliver the same degree of relief as a stronger chemical or synthetic solution.

That’s where Proflexa comes into the picture. Proflexa is a potent, natural pain-relief topical created by Sinoveda, an innovative health brand that operates with the motto, “We offer the science of healing!”

“If you’re looking for natural healing solutions that are scientifically backed, you’re in the right place,” says Sinoveda co-founder Dr. Nuzhat Tam-Zaman. “We are using Western precision to fill the quality gap of Eastern medicine.”

Dr. Nuzhat goes on to explain that the Sinoveda team’s goal is to discover drugs by decoding nature. “We use a proprietary technology to isolate and understand the specific botanical compounds that work in concert together to make each plant a natural healing solution,” the founder explains. “From there, we create evidence-based natural medicines that safely and naturally provide predictable and consistent results.”

Proflexa is one of the results of this revolutionary marriage of Eastern and Western medicine. The topical consists of a precise formula built on seven traditional healing Chinese herbs, including clove, Dang Gui, and Hong Hug, which address soreness, blood flow, and circulation, respectively. The topical has an impressive track record amongst Sinoveda’s existing customers and continues to be a popular item, especially with adults in the Millennial bracket who are striving to maintain their activity and athleticism as they enter middle age.

About Sinoveda

The name “Sinoveda” is derived from Chinese and Bangladeshi, the two cultures of the company’s founders, renowned pharmaceutical scientists and spouses Dr. Yun K. Tam and Dr. Nuzhat Tam-Zaman. Sinoveda was founded in 2006 and is based in Edmonton, Alberta. The health-science company utilizes its founders’ 50-plus years of combined experience in drug development to focus on R&D and further pharmaceutical progress, primarily through its proprietary vanguard PPT® (Pharmaceutical Platform Technology). Learn more at

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